Hostage deaths trigger nationwide protests across Israel Dtrends

Hostage deaths trigger nationwide protests across Israel Dtrends

JERUSALEM: Massive protests erupted across Israel on Sunday following the deaths of six hostages in Gaza, as public frustration grew over the government’s inability to secure a ceasefire deal that could ensure the release of more Israeli captives. Approximately 500,000 demonstrators, according to Israeli media estimates, gathered in cities such as Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. … Read more

Torrential rains trigger urban flooding in Saudi Arabia Dtrends

Torrential rains trigger urban flooding in Saudi Arabia Dtrends

Flood stricken street in Saudi Arabia. — Reuters/File  Saudi Arabia was struck by thunderstorms and flash flooding on most of its Red Sea on Friday with footages on social media showing roads inundated and cars stranded in floodwater, according to The National. The rains are expected to last until Tuesday prompting the directorate to urge … Read more

Meth-laced sweets distributed by charity trigger health scare in New Zealand Dtrends

Meth-laced sweets distributed by charity trigger health scare in New Zealand Dtrends

WILLINGTON: Pineapple sweets dished out by a New Zealand charity have tested positive for potentially lethal amounts of methamphetamine, police said Wednesday, sparking an urgent race to remove them from the streets. A child, a teenager and a charity worker have already been taken to hospital after they tasted the candies. Although none are seriously … Read more

‘Preemptive strike can trigger regional war, need US help’: Israeli General Dtrends

‘Preemptive strike can trigger regional war, need US help’: Israeli General Dtrends

JERUSALEM: If Israel launches a preemptive strike against Hezbollah and Iran, it will trigger a regional war that Tel Aviv would be unable to fight effectively without US support, Israeli Reserve General Yitzhak Brik said Wednesday, the Hebrew Channel 12 reported. Concerns are growing about the outbreak of a comprehensive regional war following Israel’s assassination … Read more