Govt decides against TCP, PNSC sale D_Trends

Govt decides against TCP, PNSC sale D_Trends

ISLAMABAD: The government on Monday decided against the privatisation of three more state-owned companies, including the Trading Corporation of Pakistan (TCP), which intervenes in commodities market but is buried under huge receivables of Rs287 billion. Finance Minister Muhammad Aurangzeb presided over a meeting of the Cabinet Committee on State-owned Enterprises (CCoSOEs). It declared the TCP, … Read more

PNSC declared strategic; TCP and SMEDA categorized as essential SOEs D_Trends

PNSC declared strategic; TCP and SMEDA categorized as essential SOEs D_Trends

The Cabinet Committee on State-Owned Enterprises (CCoSOEs) has decided to retain three federal government entities, the Pakistan National Shipping Corporation (PNSC), the Trading Corporation of Pakistan (TCP), the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA) within the public sector and categorized PNSC as strategic and other two as essential State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs)  Minister for Finance … Read more