IED Explosion Injures Five in Daraa, Syria Dtrends

IED Explosion Injures Five in Daraa, Syria Dtrends

An improvised explosive device (IED) detonated near Panorama Roundabout in the southern Syrian city of Daraa on Saturday, injuring five people, including a woman and a child. The wounded were transported to Daraa National Hospital and al-Rahma Private Hospital for treatment, according to Syria’s state-run news agency, SANA. The blast occurred at the northern entrance … Read more

Iran, Syria lead the world in lowest electricity pricing: report D_Trends

Iran, Syria lead the world in lowest electricity pricing: report D_Trends

Electricity prices vary around the world depending on factors like natural resources, government policies, and economic stability. Some countries offer significantly cheaper electricity compared to others, potentially boosting their economies, encouraging industrial growth, and easing financial burdens on residents. A report published by Insider Monkey has compiled a list of countries with the lowest electricity … Read more