Sutton Foster & Carol Burnett: Musical comedy royalty D trends

Sutton Foster & Carol Burnett: Musical comedy royalty D trends

In 1959 an unknown named Carol Burnett burst onto the New York stage in the musical comedy “Once Upon a Mattress.” Now, two-time Tony-winning star Sutton Foster is recreating the role of Princess Winnifred, a princess in search of a suitable mate, in the new Broadway revival. Correspondent Tracy Smith talks with Burnett and Foster … Read more

Carol Burnett & Sutton Foster: “Once [again] Upon a Mattress” D trends

Carol Burnett & Sutton Foster: “Once [again] Upon a Mattress” D trends

New York has always been a place where stars are born, but every once in a while, the city gives rise to a legend. In 1959 a new show opened written by Mary Rodgers, daughter of Broadway composer Richard Rodgers, and it starred a newcomer named Carol Burnett. The show, “Once Upon a Mattress,” was … Read more