Coke, Pepsi boycott over Gaza boost local soda sales in Egypt, Pakistan Dtrends

Coke, Pepsi boycott over Gaza boost local soda sales in Egypt, Pakistan Dtrends

Coca-Cola and rival PepsiCo. spent hundreds of millions of dollars over decades building demand for their soft drinks in Muslim-majority countries including Egypt to Pakistan. Now, both face a challenge from local sodas in those countries due to consumer boycotts that target the globe-straddling brands as symbols of America, and by extension Israel, at a … Read more

Lucky to increase pharma, soda ash production D_Trends

Lucky to increase pharma, soda ash production D_Trends

KARACHI: Lucky Core Industries (LCI) is expanding its production lines for pharmaceutical products and soda ash. It has, however, delayed the launch of float glass project and the polyester business has slowed down. After attending a corporate briefing held by LCI this week, Topline Research analyst Nasheed Malik reported that the group of companies was … Read more