Tropical storm Maria hits northern Japan, prompts mass evacuations Dtrends

Tropical storm Maria hits northern Japan, prompts mass evacuations Dtrends

TOKYO: Severe Tropical Storm Maria made landfall in northern Japan on Monday, having dumped more than two months’ worth of rain in the previous 24 hours and forcing the cancellation of dozens of flights. The storm, categorized as a “severe tropical storm,” which is a level below a typhoon, made landfall around 8:30 am (2330 … Read more

Ethan Katzberg’s ‘distinctive’ look prompts calls for DNA test after gold win D Trends

Ethan Katzberg’s ‘distinctive’ look prompts calls for DNA test after gold win D Trends

Listen to article Olympic gold medalist Ethan Katzberg, who recently clinched victory in the hammer throw event at the Paris 2024 Olympics, has sparked curiosity among viewers who are calling for him to take a DNA test due to his “distinctive” appearance. Katzberg, known for his long, wavy blond hair and thick moustache, represented Canada in the … Read more