Disappeared Bangladeshi lawyer recounts ex-PM Sheikh Hasina’s secret jail Dtrends

Disappeared Bangladeshi lawyer recounts ex-PM Sheikh Hasina’s secret jail Dtrends

Ahmad Bin Quasem giving an interview after he was released from being confined for eight years by the Sheikh Hasina government. — AFP/File  DHAKA: Blindfolded, handcuffed and bundled out of his secret prison for the first time in eight years, Bangladeshi barrister Ahmad Bin Quasem held his breath and listened for the sound of a … Read more

Lawyer says Manchester police struck Pakistani grandmother with taser during airport incident Dtrends

Lawyer says Manchester police struck Pakistani grandmother with taser during airport incident Dtrends

Police officers take down a young man at the Manchester Airport. — Screengrab via X/@MurtazaViews/File A 56-year-old British-Pakistani grandmother was struck in the face with a taser by a police officer at Manchester Airport moments after he kicked and attempted to stamp on her son as he lay motionless face-down, according to the family’s lawyer. … Read more