Japan’s coast hit by two strong earthquakes up to 7.1 on richter scale Dtrends

Japan’s coast hit by two strong earthquakes up to 7.1 on richter scale Dtrends

A magnitude 7.1 earthquake struck southern Japan on Thursday, the United States Geological Survey said, with the local meteorological agency warning of tsunamis striking coastal areas. Tsunamis of up to one metre were expected to arrive or have arrived in some coastal areas in Kyushu and Shikoku islands, broadcaster NHK reported. “Tsunamis will strike repeatedly. … Read more

Two powerful earthquakes hit off Japan; tsunami warning issued Dtrends

Two powerful earthquakes hit off Japan; tsunami warning issued Dtrends

A representational image showing an illustration of a seismograph. — AFP/File A 6.9-magnitude earthquake followed by a 7.1 tremor struck off southern Japan on Thursday, the United States Geological Survey said, with the local meteorological agency warning of tsunamis striking coastal areas. Tsunamis of up to one metre were expected to arrive or have arrived … Read more