Colombia deadliest country for environmentalist in 2023: right group Dtrends

Colombia deadliest country for environmentalist in 2023: right group Dtrends

Environmental activists gather to urge world leaders to take action against climate change in Bogota, Colombia September 8, 2018. — Reuters BOGOTA: With Colombia set to host this year’s United Nations COP16 biodiversity conference, the United Kingdom’s advocacy group Global Witness has termed the country the deadliest for environmentalists and land rights defenders in 2023. … Read more

Prince Harry and Meghan’s ‘odd’ Colombia visit explained Dtrends

Prince Harry and Meghan’s ‘odd’ Colombia visit explained Dtrends

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s recent four-day visit to Colombia, which has been described as a quasi-royal tour, produced a slew of polished images and glowing reports of enthusiastic locals and joyful children. However, as the couple returns to their California home, questions linger about the purpose and outcomes of their visit to this … Read more