Approval of including 24 entities in Privatization Programme given by CCOP D_Trends

Approval of including 24 entities in Privatization Programme given by CCOP D_Trends

ISLAMABAD: Approval has been given by the Cabinet Committee on Privatization (CCOP) to include 24 entities in Privatization Programme (2024-29) while it has been decided to include other State Owned Entities (SOEs) in the privatization programme after completion of the reviewal by the Cabinet Committee on State-Owned Enterprises (CCoSoEs) regarding categorization of Strategic/Essential SOEs. The … Read more

CCOP okays sale of six power firms D_Trends

CCOP okays sale of six power firms D_Trends

ISLAMABAD: The Cabinet Committee on Privatisation on Friday approved the sale of six highest loss-making power distribution and four power generation companies, causing a total annual loss of over Rs200 billion, in the last leg of privatisation –in a move that will keep the power sector bleeding for years to come. The decision to privatise … Read more