A Plugin Broke Your WordPress Blog? Here Is What To Do – D Trends

A Plugin Broke Your WordPress Blog? Here Is What To Do – D Trends

Most WordPress users had this experience at least once. You find a cool plugin around the web, rush to upload it to your server, activate it, and then when you check the blog to see if its working, bang! The blog crashes and you can’t even load the homepage…. Obviously this is not WordPress’ fault. … Read more

Non-stop calls from Gujrat for Adnan Hussain who broke UK’s Labour 70-year record Dtrends

Non-stop calls from Gujrat for Adnan Hussain who broke UK’s Labour 70-year record Dtrends

The 34-year-old British Pakistani lawyer, Adnan Hussain. — Author LONDON: Independent candidate Adnan Hussain who broke a nearly 70-year record by unseating a Labour candidate in the northwestern ex-industrial town of Blackburn has said that Gaza was the issue that catapulted him to the UK parliament after voters saw the first ever livestreamed genocide on media … Read more