Due to the advances in mobile technology, now a days almost all the mobile phones are equipped with Internet surfing capabilities. As a consequence, more and more people are accessing websites via their mobile phones every day, creating the need for webmasters to adapt their websites to these visitors.
Below we cover 10 mobile plugins for WordPress that can be used to make your website mobile friendly.
1. WordPress Mobile Edition
Developed by Crowd Favorite, this plugin has got a clean user interface that is designed for mobile devices. When a person visits your site from a mobile browser, it automatically detects the browser and loads the mobile version of your site. You can edit the list of mobile browsers in the settings page. This plugin enables particular theme to load on a specific mobile browser or device for example iPhone, Windows Mobile, Opera Mini web browser and other mobile web browsers.
2. WordPressMobile.mobi
One of the most popular mobile WordPress plugins, with thousands of downloads. This WordPress plugin makes your blog more mobile friendly, reducing the load time on mobile browsers and configuring your pages properly.
3. WordPress Mobile Pack
Another WordPress plugin for mobile browsers. It has got mobile recognition, device adaptation and it is widget ready. With the mobile recognition and device adaptation feature, it automatically re-sizes the images, split the articles or post into multiple pages such that your web page looks just fine on any of the mobile phones. It has a mobile admin panel so the admin of the site can easily manage it. Mobile ad widget allows mobile ads or mobile Adsense to be displayed on the mobile version of the web pages.
4. MobilePress
You can set this plugin to display a specific theme for a specific device model or mobile browsers like the iPhone, Opera Mini, etc., such that your blog displays according to the device capability. This plugin also allows the WordPress theme developers to develop their own mobile themes for WordPress blogs.
5. Mobile Admin
This WordPress plugin enables you to access admin user interface on mobile devices in a users friendly manner. This plugin is especially developed for the browsers on the iPhone and iPod Touch devices and it supports most of the other mobile browsers at basic level. Mobile Admin supports most of the basic WordPress admin features like editing posts with auto-save feature, tagging support, comment moderation, and more.
6. Mobilize
This WordPress plugin, once installed, will detect any mobiles phone having access to your site and it will redirect it to the Mippin server. Mippin will then rearrange your web page and its contents to suit the cell phone type. For example, if your website has images, then Mippin will re-size the images to fit the mobile screen and videos are converted to 3gp format such that users can have a comfortable and quick access to your site.
7. WPhone Admin Plug-in
This plugin will allow you to manage your WordPress install using a mobile browser. It has two mobile admin interfaces, one is for use on the iPhone/iPod Touch and other devices which supports full JavaScript and features CSS AJAX and sliding menus. And another is Lite version to use on phones that do not support JavaScript. It will automatically switch between the rich and lite versions based on the browser you use.
8. Mowser
Mowser is a service that lets your WordPress blog to be viewed more comfortably and quickly on a mobile browser or on any other mobile device. This plugin will automatically detect when a user is trying to access your WordPress based blog using a mobile phone and it will redirect to the optimized mobile version of your blog.
9. Wetomo WordPress to Mobile
Wetomo plugin will automatically detect when a user is trying to access your URL from a mobile phone. Wetomo will act as a proxy between you and the user, modifying your blog to suit the handset of the user such that your blog looks great on any of the mobile browsers.
10. WP viewMobile
This plugin is designed to make your WordPress blog mobile internet ready. It will detect when a user is accessing your blog via a mobile phone. It automatically sends a template which is optimized for mobile devices. It tries to re-size the images in your blog to suite the mobile phone or else it removes them completely if the mobile browser does not support images, such that your users can access your blog without any problem.